The review of the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) gluon density and its application to analysis of $pp$ and $AA$ collisions in the wide region of initial energies at mid-rapidity is presented. It is shown that the non-colliniar QCD evolution is sensitive to the TMD gluon distributions at initial scale $\mu_0$. The new TMD gluon density in a proton at $\mu_0$ is suggested using its saturation at low scales observed in DIS at HERA. Corresponding phenomenological parameters important at low $x$ are found from the best description of charged hadron $p_T$-spectra in $pp$ collisions at low hadron transverse momenta $p_T$ in the mid-rapidity at the LHC energies. Other parameters important at moderate and large $x$ are found from the satisfactory description of many data on hard $pp$ processes at LHC energies. The Catani-Ciafaloni-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) evolution equation is applied to extend the initial gluon distribution into the whole kinematical region.
The TMD gluon suggested in [1-4] is used to analyze the pion and kaon inclusive production in $pp$ and $BeBe$ collisions [5,6]. The satisfactory description of NA61/SHINE data on inclusive spectra versus their transverse momenta $p_T$ less than 1 GeV are presented in [5,6]. The data on ratio of cross sections $R_{K/\pi}=\sigma_{K^\pm}/\sigma_{\pi^\pm}$ at the zero rapidity $y$ are also described satisfactorily and predictions for high energies are presented.
Using the suggested TMD gluon distribution we obtain the self-consistent description of soft hadron production in $pp$ collisions at moderate and high energies at mid-rapidity. Extension of proposed initial gluon distribution into the whole kinematical region using the CCFM evolution equation allows us to describe satisfactorily many data on hard $pp$ processes at LHC energies.
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