29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

Electron string ion source (ESIS) ion trap control system development

2 Nov 2023, 15:20
Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), BLTP

Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), BLTP

Oral Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors


Elizaveta Butenko (JINR, LHEP, Dubna 141980)


The Electron String Ion Source (ESIS) is type of ion source working in a reflex mode under specific conditions. The operation is based on step-by-step ionization of the ions by hitting with electrons of an electron string.
ESIS is a complex facility and ion trap control system is it's important part. It affects ion beam formation process and transfer to HILAC. The version, which is under operation now is based on resistance divider. The new system is based on independent modules and could make operation process more flexible.
The topic describes development of the ESIS ion trap control system electronics, it's modifications and operation process.

Primary authors

Elizaveta Butenko (JINR, LHEP, Dubna 141980) Dmitriy Ponkin (JINR) Nikolay Malyshev (LHEP) Evgeny Matyukhanov (JINR LHEP) Maxim Dzugaev (JINR LHEP) Evgeny E. Donets (VBLHEP, JINR) Dmitry Rassadov (JINR) Denis Donets (LHEP)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
