29 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Europe/Moscow timezone

The extraction system adaptation for MSC230 cyclotron final engineering design.

2 Nov 2023, 15:55
Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), BLTP

Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), BLTP

Oral Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors


Leonid Sedov (JINR)


JINR is developing novate cyclotron for proton therapy (including FLASH) for new JINR's international biomedical research center. The project is about to be put into manufacturing stage. As unavoidable parts of this process, engineering, mechanical and production limitations impose correction on the physical conceptual design of the cyclotron. Therefore, the initial extraction system should be adjusted accordingly to the new model and improved as possible for upcoming manufacturing stage.

MSC230 extraction system is electrostatic deflector followed by two magnetic channels with their compensators. The extraction system adaptation - the procedures, the results, the improvements, the created codes and methods – are described in this talk.

Primary author

Leonid Sedov (JINR)


Mr Dmitry Popov (JINR) Ivan Lyapin (JINR) Semion Gurskiy (Affiliation)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
