- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
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- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Continuing with our meeting, we have divided you into two groups, each focusing on distinct future publications:
Group 1: A comparison of the work environment at the LHC and the NICA acceleration complexes:
- Nour Ahmed
- Abdelrhman Hussam
Group 2: A comparison of Detector Control Systems at the BM@N experiment in JINR and the ALICE experiment at CERN:
- Alaa El-Sadieque
- Sancia Morris
I'd like to remind you that we'll continue the work initiated by the summer students. Although the materials have been partially completed, the articles are not yet finalized. My idea is to encourage you to explore the topic extensively. I kindly request that you independently research existing materials on the subject available online and create presentations based on your findings. This research doesn't have to be limited to accelerators or science but should primarily focus on automated systems and control panels. For instance, you may come across information about power plants. Additionally, you should seek relevant standards related to your topic and consider the parameters we can use for comparison in your articles.
For the first group, this includes:
- Work environment
- Control rooms
- Organizational structure
- Operation
- Exploitation
- Associated standards
For the second group, this includes:
- Distributed control systems
- Design architecture
- Graphical user interface (GUI) and human-machine interface (HMI)
- Functionality
- Automated functions
- Associated standards
Please create presentations on your initial exploratory research and findings for your work. I hope that your fresh perspectives will bring something new to our collective effort. After seeing your initial research results, I am excited to see your understanding and research abilities. I encourage you not to focus solely on previous work; I want to witness your progress and your approach to formatting and presenting results.
I have requested the summer school students to prepare presentations regarding the status of their work on the articles. During our next meeting, they will present these findings and introduce you to the current versions of the articles. Together, we will develop a plan for further work division within the working group.