Evaluating `elliptic' master integrals at special kinematic values: using differential equations and their solutions via expansions near singular points

24 Jul 2018, 14:50
International Conference Hall, JINR

International Conference Hall, JINR


Vladimir Smirnov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University)


An algorithm to find a solution of differential equations for master integrals in the form of an $\epsilon$-expansion series with numerical coefficients is presented. The algorithm is based on using generalized power series expansions near singular points of the differential system, solving difference equations for the corresponding coefficients in these expansions and using matching to connect series expansions at two neighboring points. Four-loop generalized sunset diagrams with three massive and two massless propagators are considered as an example. Analytical results for the three master integrals at threshold, $p^2=9 m^2$, in an expansion in $\ep$ up to $\ep^1$ are obtained. This is done with the help of the presented algorithm which us used to obtain high precision values, with the accuracy of 20000 digits. Then the PSLQ algorithm is applied to obtain results in an analytical form. They are expressed in terms of multiple polylogarithm values at sixth roots of unity.

Primary author

Vladimir Smirnov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University)


Alexander Smirnov (MSU RCC) Dr Roman Lee (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials