The School topics:
- Introduction to hadron collider physics
- Higgs physics
- QCD for colliders
- Top-quark physics
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Computational techniques for the LHC
- Modern computational methods for scattering amplitudes
- Flavor physics
- Future colliders
- Precision theoretical calculations for collider experiments
- Techniques of multiloop calculations and ressumation
- Computer codes for calculations in HEP
- Theoretical predictions beyond the Standard Model
- Modern computational methods for scattering amplitudes
Sergey Alekhin (Hamburg Uni.)
- QCD for colliders
Lev Dudko (SINP MSU)
- Top-quark physics
Christophe Grojean (DESY & Humbolt Uni.)
- Beyond the Standard Model
Andrey Grozin (BINP, Novosibirsk)
- Effective theories in heavy quark physics
Andrei Davydychev (SINP MSU)
- A geometrical approach to the evaluation of Feynman diagrams
Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC, Madrid/Santander)
- Higgs Physics
Johannes Henn (Mainz Uni.)
- Modern computational methods for scattering amplitudes
Oleg Rogachevskiy (JINR)
- Physics at NICA
Ben Ruijl (ETH Zürich) / Thomas Hahn (MPI Munich)
- Symbolic Programming in HEP
Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
- Linear e+e- colliders
- Circular e+e- colliders
- Future hadron colliders and beyond