Emil Akhmedov |
On quantum corrections to the Hawking radiation |
Lev Astrakhantsev |
Holographic RG flows and boundary conditions in a 3D gauged supergravity |
Alexander Belavin |
Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string Gepner models |
Alexander Burinskii |
Electron as a Radiating Black Hole |
Dmitri Bykov |
Supersymmetric deformation of the CP1 model and its conformal limits |
Sergey Derkachov |
Reflection operator and iterative construction of eigenfunctions for noncompact SL(2,C) open spin chains |
Dmitrii Diakonov |
Particle Creation in an infinitely expanding spacetime |
Slava Didenko |
All-order unconstrained higher-spin vertices |
Hristo Dimov |
More on Schrödinger holography |
Yaroslav Drachov |
β-deformation of $\widetilde{W}$ algebras |
Anton Galajinsky |
Remarks on integrability of N=1 supersymmetric Ruijsenaars-Schneider models |
Olga Gelfond |
Quadratic corrections to HS equations by differential homotopy |
Anastasia Golubtsova |
Asymptotically AdS black holes and holographic RG flows in 3d gauged supergravity |
Nikolai Gromov |
Standard Model for contracted gauge group |
Kirill Gubarev |
Yang-Baxter structure of extended space |
Nguyen Hoang Vu |
Holographic model for neutron star with color superconductivity in inner core |
Alexey Isaev |
Generalization of the Bargmann-Wigner approach to constructing relativistic fields |
Andrei Kataev |
The RG related language and the problem of scheme dependence |
Mikhail Katanaev |
Was there a Big Bang? |
Kirill Kazarnovskii |
Relevance of quantum corrections to the matter stress-energy tensor in eternally expanding universes |
Nikita Kolganov |
CMV basis for integrability and chaos |
Nikolay Kozyrev |
Structure of the nonabelian tensor multiplet action |
Sergey Krivonos |
Higher Spin Schwarzians |
Viacheslav Krivorol |
Supersymmetric Grassmanian Sigma Models |
Vladimir Krykhtin |
BRST construction for infinite spin field on AdS4 |
Andrew Kuzovchikov |
The classical and quantum particle on a flag manifold |
Nugzar Makhaldiani |
New physics, W-boson mass and zeros of the zeta function |
Alexander Mamekin |
Presymplectic BV-AKSZ formulation of N=1 D=4 Supergravity |
Boris Merzlikin |
One-loop divergences of effective action in 6D, N=(1,0)supersymmetric four-derivative gauge theory |
Nikita Misuna |
Unfolded formulation of Yang-Mills theory |
Andrey Mudrov |
Quantum super-spherical pairs |
Edvard Musaev |
Families of CFT's from the M-theory perspective |
Armen Nersessian |
Comments on some integrable models of supersymmetric mechanics |
Oleg Ogievetsky |
The Miracle of Integer Eigenvalues |
Ivanhoe Pestov |
Physical General Relativity |
Timofey Petrov |
Deformations of IIB supergravity solutions by polyvectors |
Mikhail Podoinitsyn |
Analytical black holes and RG flows in gauge supergravity |
Dmitry Ponomarev |
Color-kinematics duality for point particles interacting with self-dual fields |
Aleksandr Popolitov |
Deformation of superintegrability in the Miwa-deformed Gaussian matrix model |
Ekaterina Pozdeeva |
Superpotential method in modified gravity |
Anton Pribytok |
Superdeformed CP1 model and Conformal Limits |
Alexander Reshetnyak |
Covariant Cubic Vertices for Interacting Irreducible Massive Higher Spin Fields |
Dmitry Rudinsky |
Weak gauge PDEs and non-Lagrangian systems |
Gor Sarkissian |
On many faces of Ruijsenaars wavefunctions |
Valentina Shirokova |
The beta-function of N=1 SQED and the NSVZ relation at the four-loop level |
Andrei Smilga |
Chiral supersymmetric gauge theories and Cartan monopoles (Zoom) |
Timofei Snegirev |
Generalized non-relativistic fluid dynamics with conformal symmetries |
Vyacheslav Spiridonov |
Weak supersymmetry and superconformal indices |
Konstantin Stepanyantz |
Scheme dependence and exact relations in supersymmetric theories |
Vladimir Stukopin |
Affine super-Yangian and Weyl groupoid action |
Alexander Tarusov |
Linearised Analysis of the Coxeter Higher Spin Theory II |
Valeriy Tolstoy |
New Z2 × ... × Z2 - graded Lie superalgebras as cliffonic dressing of unitary and orthosymplectic Z2-series |
Kirill Ushakov |
Linearised Analysis of the Coxeter Higher Spin Theory I |
Mikhail Vasiliev |
Coupling Constants of Higher-Spin Gauge Theories |
Sergey Vernov |
Integrable chiral cosmological models connected with modified gravity |
Tvsetan Vetsov |
On Complexity and Supersymmetry |
Nikita Zaigraev |
N=2 higher-spin supercurrents and Abelian interactions |
Yurii Zinoviev |
On massive higher spin supermultiplets |
Georgios Zoupanos |
Four-Dimensional Gravity on a Covariant Noncommutative Space (Zoom) |
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