29 July 2024 to 3 August 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

List of Talks


Emil Akhmedov

On quantum corrections to the Hawking radiation

Lev Astrakhantsev

Holographic RG flows and boundary conditions in a 3D gauged supergravity

Alexander Belavin

Conformal bootstrap and Heterotic string Gepner models

Alexander Burinskii

Electron as a Radiating Black Hole

Dmitri Bykov

Supersymmetric deformation of the CP1 model and its conformal limits

Sergey Derkachov

Reflection operator and iterative construction of eigenfunctions for noncompact SL(2,C) open spin chains

Dmitrii Diakonov

Particle Creation in an infinitely expanding spacetime

Slava Didenko

All-order unconstrained higher-spin vertices

Hristo Dimov

More on Schrödinger holography

Yaroslav Drachov

β-deformation of $\widetilde{W}$ algebras

Anton Galajinsky

Remarks on integrability of N=1 supersymmetric Ruijsenaars-Schneider models

Olga Gelfond

Quadratic corrections to HS equations by differential homotopy

Anastasia Golubtsova

Asymptotically AdS black holes and holographic RG flows in 3d gauged supergravity

Nikolai Gromov

Standard Model for contracted gauge group

Kirill Gubarev

Yang-Baxter structure of extended space

Nguyen Hoang Vu

Holographic model for neutron star with color superconductivity in inner core

Alexey Isaev

Generalization of the Bargmann-Wigner approach to constructing relativistic fields

Andrei Kataev

The RG related language and the problem of scheme dependence

Mikhail Katanaev

Was there a Big Bang?

Kirill Kazarnovskii

Relevance of quantum corrections to the matter stress-energy tensor in eternally expanding universes

Nikita Kolganov

CMV basis for integrability and chaos

Nikolay Kozyrev

Structure of the nonabelian tensor multiplet action

Sergey Krivonos

Higher Spin Schwarzians

Viacheslav Krivorol

Supersymmetric Grassmanian Sigma Models

Vladimir Krykhtin

BRST construction for infinite spin field on AdS4

Andrew Kuzovchikov

The classical and quantum particle on a flag manifold

Nugzar Makhaldiani

New physics, W-boson mass and zeros of the zeta function

Alexander Mamekin

Presymplectic BV-AKSZ formulation of N=1 D=4 Supergravity

Boris Merzlikin

One-loop divergences of effective action in 6D, N=(1,0)supersymmetric four-derivative gauge theory

Nikita Misuna

Unfolded formulation of Yang-Mills theory

Andrey Mudrov

Quantum super-spherical pairs

Edvard Musaev

Families of CFT's from the M-theory perspective

Armen Nersessian

Comments on some integrable models of supersymmetric mechanics

Oleg Ogievetsky

The Miracle of Integer Eigenvalues

Ivanhoe Pestov

Physical General Relativity

Timofey Petrov

Deformations of IIB supergravity solutions by polyvectors

Mikhail Podoinitsyn

Analytical black holes and RG flows in gauge supergravity

Dmitry Ponomarev

Color-kinematics duality for point particles interacting with self-dual fields

Aleksandr Popolitov

Deformation of superintegrability in the Miwa-deformed Gaussian matrix model

Ekaterina Pozdeeva

Superpotential method in modified gravity

Anton Pribytok

Superdeformed CP1 model and Conformal Limits

Alexander Reshetnyak

Covariant Cubic Vertices for Interacting Irreducible Massive Higher Spin Fields

Dmitry Rudinsky

Weak gauge PDEs and non-Lagrangian systems

Gor Sarkissian

On many faces of Ruijsenaars wavefunctions

Valentina Shirokova  

The beta-function of N=1 SQED and the NSVZ relation at the four-loop level

Andrei Smilga

Chiral supersymmetric gauge theories and Cartan monopoles (Zoom)

Timofei Snegirev

Generalized non-relativistic fluid dynamics with conformal symmetries

Vyacheslav Spiridonov

Weak supersymmetry and superconformal indices

Konstantin Stepanyantz

Scheme dependence and exact relations in supersymmetric theories

Vladimir Stukopin

Affine super-Yangian and Weyl groupoid action

Alexander Tarusov

Linearised Analysis of the Coxeter Higher Spin Theory II

Valeriy Tolstoy

New Z2 × ... × Z2 - graded Lie superalgebras as cliffonic dressing of unitary and orthosymplectic Z2-series

Kirill Ushakov

Linearised Analysis of the Coxeter Higher Spin Theory I

Mikhail Vasiliev

Coupling Constants of Higher-Spin Gauge Theories

Sergey Vernov

Integrable chiral cosmological models connected with modified gravity

Tvsetan Vetsov

On Complexity and Supersymmetry

Nikita Zaigraev

N=2 higher-spin supercurrents and Abelian interactions

Yurii Zinoviev

On massive higher spin supermultiplets

Georgios Zoupanos

Four-Dimensional Gravity on a Covariant Noncommutative Space (Zoom)