Testing of the adjustable RF amplifier of the Nuclotron station.

28 Oct 2024, 18:50
JINR International Conference Centre, 2 Stroiteley st.

JINR International Conference Centre, 2 Stroiteley st.

Poster Particle Accelerators and Nuclear Reactors Poster session & Welcome drinks


Александр Шилин


The adjustable amplifier unit in combination with the automatic gain control unit is designed to regulate and maintain the amplitude of the RF voltage at the accelerating electrode at a predetermined level. The tasks included circuit modernization, installation and bench testing of an adjustable amplifier. The circuit and topology of the board were developed to ensure the uniformity of electronic components. Subsequently, the circuit elements were assembled. Next, the unit was tuned and debugged in bench tests. Bench tests have shown the effective operation of the adjustable amplifier.

Primary author

Александр Шилин


Alexander Karpuk (ОИЯИ) Alexander Malyshev (ОИЯИ) Dmitry Morozov (ОИЯИ) Mikhail Yablochkin (ОИЯИ) Oleg Brovko (ОИЯИ) Victoria Morozova (ОИЯИ) Vladimir Galkin (ОИЯИ)

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