SuperFGD - central part of near neutrino detector of T2K experiment

28 Oct 2024, 18:50
JINR International Conference Centre, 2 Stroiteley st.

JINR International Conference Centre, 2 Stroiteley st.

Poster High Energy Physics Poster session & Welcome drinks


Mr Bogdan Bombin (INR RAS)


I will present the information about T2K experiment, the near detector ND280 and it’s new subdetector
SuperFGD recently commissioned in the neutrino beam at J-PARC (Japan). SuperFGD is a 3D fine grained scintillating detector. It will detect neutrinos before oscillations and reconstruct kinematic parameters of charged particles with high precision in full solid angle.

Primary author

Mr Bogdan Bombin (INR RAS)

Presentation materials