Testing of the multiplayer neutron detector on the LPI neutron channel

28 Oct 2024, 18:50
JINR International Conference Centre, 2 Stroiteley st.

JINR International Conference Centre, 2 Stroiteley st.

Poster Experimental Nuclear Physics Poster session & Welcome drinks


Valentin Ustinov (JINR VBLHEP)


One of the SCAN-3 multilayer neutron detectors on the neutron channel in LPI (Troitsk) has been studied. The photodesintegration reaction of a deuteron was used to form a neutron beam. The report describes the procedure for creating a neutron channel, the channel parameters, as well as the results obtained during the work.

Primary author

Valentin Ustinov (JINR VBLHEP)


Mr Dmitry Ustinov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Evgeni Sukhov (JINR) Olga Kutinova (JINR) Sergei Afanasiev (JINR)

Presentation materials