SPD geometry description and GeoModel

28 Oct 2024, 16:30
4-451 (MLIT)



Oral High Energy Physics High Energy Physics


Aytadzh Allakhverdieva (DLNP JINR)


The SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is a planned spin physics experiment in the second interaction point of the NICA collider that is under construction at JINR. The main goal of the experiment is the test of basic of the QCD via the study of the polarized structure of the nucleon and spin-related phenomena in the collision of longitudinally and transversely polarized protons and deuterons at the center-of-mass energy up to 27 GeV. The offline software of SPD is being developed now to elaborate the physics research program and to prepare future data processing. Detector description is an essential component in simulation, reconstruction and analysis of experimental data. The first stage SPD detector description based on the GeoModel package will be presented. The using of the detector model in simulation and reconstruction, accessing and navigation amount geometry objects will be discussed.

Primary author

Aytadzh Allakhverdieva (DLNP JINR)

Presentation materials