Jul 9 – 12, 2018
Dubna, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone

Registration fee

Registration fee

Participants 120 Euro / 9000 Rub / 146 USD
Students/ accompanying persons 80 Euro / 6000 Rub / 97 USD

(Fee can also be paid in US dollars and Rubles)

The fee includes welcome party, coffee breaks, banquet, the publication of Book of abstracts, single fixed-time bus transfer between airport Sheremetyevo and Dubna on July 8 and July 13.

Please pay your attention, that registration fee does not include accommodation. Organizing committee reserves the rooms only in Dubna hotel in accordance with your requests indicated in your 'Registration form'.

Some limited financial support might be possible on request preferably for young scientist from Russia and other JINR Member States and European countries.

Attention! The registration fee in JINR is accepted only via bank transfer.

Below please find JINR account details for the bank transfers.

For your convinience you may use the following file with JINR account details [PDF]

Deadline for payment is June 15, 2018


Beneficiary: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russia, Dubna, Moscow region
TIN 9909125356/501063001
Beneficiary's address: Russia, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Joliot-Curie str., 6
Beneficiary's bank: JSC VTB Bank
Russia, 109044, Moscow, 43 Vorontsovskaya str.   
Beneficiary's account  
with beneficiary bank (USD):
Details of payment Registration fee, Low-dimensional materials: theory, modeling and experiment 2018


Beneficiary: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russia, Dubna, Moscow region
TIN 9909125356/501063001
Beneficiary's address: Russia, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Joliot-Curie str., 6 
Beneficiary's bank: JSC VTB Bank Russia, Moscow
Beneficiary's account  
with beneficiary bank (EURO):
Details of payment Registration fee, Low-dimensional materials: theory, modeling and experiment 2018


Получатель: ИНН 9909125356, КПП 501063001
Объединенный институт ядерных исследований
Р/счет:     40807810800050000513
Наименование банка: Банк ВТБ (ПАО) г. Москва
БИК: 044525187
Корр.сч. 30101810700000000187
Адрес: 141980 г.Дубна, Моск.обл., ул.Жолио-Кюри, д.6
Назначение платежа: Оргвзнос, Low-dimensional materials: theory, modeling and experiment 2018