Matter under Extreme Conditions in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Astrophysics
House of International Meetings
House of International Meetings
Stroiteley, 2 Dubna, Moscow region
The Helmholtz International Summer School "Matter under Extreme Conditions in Heavy-Ion Collisions and Astrophysics", organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR in the framework of the program DIAS-TH will be held in Dubna, Russia, from August 20 to 31, 2018.
The School will focus on the problem of the appearance of novel phases of matter where symmetries encoded in the QCD Lagrangian get (partly) restored and/or due to the internal quantum numbers of QCD degrees of freedom (color, flavor and spin) new collective phenomena might occur. As a profound theoretical basis for the description of the equation of state and transport properties of QCD matter and the phase transformation between hadronic and quark degrees of freedom this School will provide series of lectures on nonperturbative quantum field theories and many-body physics of strong interactions applied to this problem. Another part of the lectures will be devoted to the discussion of observable signals for QCD phases in heavy-ion collisions like those planned at FAIR Darmstadt and NICA Dubna.
The preliminary program of the school includes the following topics:
Equation of state and QCD phase transitions
Transport properties in dense QCD matter
Hadronization and freeze-out in heavy ion collisions (HIC)
Astrophysics of compact stars and their mergers (CS)