We are delighted to inform you that we will cover hotel accommodation (including breakfast) at the local Dubna Hotel (located at Veksler str., 8) from July 19 to July 26. To reserve your hotel room, kindly provide us with the following information after the approval of your application:
- Паспортные данные (серия и номер, когда выдан, кем выдан)
- Дата рождения
- Прописка
- Место и должность работы
If you hold citizenship from another country, please provide us with a scan of your passport.
Check-in at the hotel starts on July 19, after 12:00 PM.
The check-out time is 12:00 PM, July 26.
All students are strongly urged to plan on staying for the duration of the School. Partial attendance is strongly discouraged.