12–19 Jul 2019
Bolshie Koty
Asia/Irkutsk timezone
19th JINR-ISU Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics

KM3NeT-ORCA detector overview

Not scheduled
Bolshie Koty

Bolshie Koty


Mr Jerzy Manczak (IFIC)


KM3NeT (Km^3 Neutrino Telescope) is a pan-european project, which, in the near future, will become the flagship European experiment in neutrino astronomy. The project consists of two separate detector configurations optimized for different neutrino energy scales. Both sites will be located in the deep water of the Mediterranean sea. The KM3NeT-ORCA (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) detector willl consist of more than a hundred densely distributed vertical detector units allowing for sufficient reconstruction of light produced by atmospheric neutrino interactions. The main goal of this part of the experiment is to determine the neutrino mass ordering. Deployment of the first several strings has started and the first data has been collected. Preliminary studies of this first phase sensitivity for atmospheric oscillations parameters show a very promising performance.

Primary author

Mr Jerzy Manczak (IFIC)

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