14–20 Jul 2019
International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone

The Pomeron, Odderon, and nucleon resonances in $\varphi$-meson photoproduction

16 Jul 2019, 11:30
International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia

International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia

Stroiteley 2, Dubna, Russia


Dr Sangho Kim (Pukyong National University (PKNU))


We suggest a possible explanation for the $\varphi$(1020) photoproduction mechanism in the W = 2.0−2.8 GeV region covering the full scattering angles. We have found that, with the universally accepted Pomeron exchange, the Odderon and three PDG $N^*$ resonances play a crucial to describe the cross sections and spin-density matrix elements data from the CLAS collaboration.

Primary author

Dr Sangho Kim (Pukyong National University (PKNU))


Prof. Seung-il Nam (PKNU)

Presentation materials