14–20 Jul 2019
International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone

Interaction of a twisted Dirac particle with a magnetic field in high energy physics

15 Jul 2019, 15:30
International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia

International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia

Stroiteley 2, Dubna, Russia


Prof. Alexander Silenko (JINR, Dubna, Russia)


Interaction of a twisted Dirac particle with a magnetic field in high energy physics A.J. Silenko$^{1,2,3}$, Pengming Zhang$^{2,4}$, and Liping Zou$^{2,4}$ 1. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna 141980, Moscow region, Russia 2. Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China 3. Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University, Minsk 220030, Belarus 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuquanlu 19A, Beijing 100049, China A relativistic quantum-mechanical description of a twisted (vortex) Dirac particle in a magnetic field (in general, nonuniform) is presented [1-3]. Twisted particles can possess giant intrinsic orbital angular momenta and magnetic moments. Methods for the extraction of a twisted beam with a given orbital polarization and for the beam manipulation [1] are discussed. For twisted electron beams in magnetic storage rings, the effect a radiative orbital polarization (similar to that of a radiative spin polarization for untwisted electrons) takes place [2]. A twisted spin-1/2 particle possesses a tensor magnetic polarizability [3]. We suppose that twisted particles can be created at collision of heavy ions. In this case, the presence of a strong nonuniform magnetic field leads to the Stern-Gerlach-like force which depends on the intrinsic orbital angular momentum and influences a particle motion [2]. REFERENCES 1. A. J. Silenko, Pengming Zhang, and Liping Zou, Manipulating Twisted Electron Beams, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 243903 (2017) 2. A. J. Silenko, Pengming Zhang, and Liping Zou, Relativistic quantum dynamics of twisted electron beams in arbitrary electric and magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 043202 (2018) 3. A. J. Silenko, Pengming Zhang, and Liping Zou, Electric quadrupole moment and the tensor magnetic polarizability of twisted electrons and a potential for their measurements, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 063201 (2019).

Primary author

Prof. Alexander Silenko (JINR, Dubna, Russia)


Dr Liping Zou (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China) Prof. Pengming Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China)

Presentation materials