18–30 Jul 2016
BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Europe/Moscow timezone
Helmholtz International Summer School (HISS) - Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS TH)



Bernardo Adeva (LHCb)

"Recent results in B physics and on multiquark states from the LHCb”

Ahmed Ali (DESY)  

"Rare B-Decays in the Standard Model and Hints of BSM Physics from Data"

David Blaschke (Univ. Wroclaw & JINR Dubna & MEPhI Moscow) 

"Particle production in time-dependent fields"

Pietro Colangelo (Bari Uni.)   

"Flavour anomalies and the extra-dimension option"
"Thermalization of a strongly coupled non Abelian plasma"

Michal Czakon (Aachen Uni.)     

"Precision top-quark physics with applications"


Rudolf N. Faustov (DCC,Moscow) 

"Spectroscopy and Regge Trajectories of Light Mesons"


Alexander Fedotov (NRNU (MEPhI) Moscow) 

"Quantum regime of laser-matter interactions at extreme intensities"


Vladimir O. Galkin (DCC,Moscow) 

"Relativistic description of baryon properties"

Jose Enrique García-Navarro (ATLAS)  

"Top Physics with ATLAS"


Andrey G. Grozin (INP, Novosibirsk) 

"Soft-Collinear Effective Theory"


Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (JINR,Dubna)

"Is lattice QCD capable to describe non-zero baryonic density?"

Mikhail A. Ivanov (JINR, Dubna)

"Covariant quark model and its applications in heavy quark physics"

Felix Karbstein (HI Jena)

"Optical signatures of the quantum vacuum"

Nikolai I. Kochelev (JINR,Dubna)


Juergen G. Koerner (MITP,Mainz) 

"The many facets of the Higgs decay H​ → τ+ τ - τ+ τ - "

Anatoly V. Kotikov (JINR,Dubna) 

"Critical behaviour of (2+1)-dimensional QED with N fermions"


Nikolay V. Krasnikov (INR, Moscow & JINR,Dubna) 

"Light dark matter and vector bosons" 

Nuno Viegas Guerreiro Leonardo (CMS)

"Search for new resonances and new physics at CMS"

Gennady I. Lykasov (JINR,Dubna) 

"Physics of heavy quark distributions in proton: collider tests"


Valery E. Lyubovitskij  (Tuebingen U.)

"Hadrons and Multiquark States in Holographic QCD"


Sergey N. Nedelko (JINR, Dubna)

"Domain wall network as QCD vacuum: confinement, chiral symmetry,hadronization"

Alexander Ya. Parkhomenko(Jaroslavl)

"Distribution Amplitudes of Heavy Hadrons: Theory and Applications"

Vladimir A. Saleev (Samara Uni.)

"Heavy quark production at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach"

Pietro Santorelli (Napoli Uni.)               

"NonLeptonic Two-Body Decays of Charmed Mesons and CP Viola-

Daniel Seipt (Helmholtz Institute Jena)

"Strong-field QED processes in intense Laser Pulses"
"Non-linear Compton Scattering in high-intensity Laser Pulses"


Rahul Sinha (IMSc, Chennai) 

"Implications from B→K∗ℓ+ℓ− observables using  LHCb data"

Vladimir Skokov(RIKEN BNL Brookhaven, USA)

"Pair production from space- and time dependent strong fields" 


Stanislav Smolyansky(Saratov state university, Russia)

"Vacuum particle creation in strong fields as the field induced phase transition"

Yuri S. Surovtsev (JINR,Dubna) 

"The interference effects of multi-channel pion-pion scattering in final states of charmonia and bottomonia decays"

Makoto Takizawa (Belle)

"New results on the XYZ states and B-decays from Belle"

Alexander Titov ( JINR,Dubna )

"Quantum processes in short and intensive electromagnetic fields"

Alexey Zhemchugov (BESIII)  

"Studies of charmonium-like states and charmed hadron decays at BESIII"

Roman Zwicky  (Edinburgh Uni.) 

"Introduction into dispersion relations and analyticity"