The pairing-interaction impact on the beta-decay characteristics and multi-neutron emission of the neutron-rich 126,128,130,132Cd

Not scheduled
Oral Theoretical Physics


Mr Evgenii Sushenok (International University Dubna)


The effects of the residual interaction in the particle-particle channel on β-decay characteristics and the multi-neutron emission probabilities in the β-decay of 126,128,130,132Cd are studied within the quasiparticle random phase approximation with the Skyrme interaction. The coupling between one- and two-phonon terms in the wave functions of the low-energy 1+ states of the daughter nuclei is taken into account. It is shown that the inclusion of the spin-isospin interaction in the particle-particle channel leads to the reduction of half-lives and the redistribution of one- and two-neutron emission probabilities. The competition of tensor interaction and neutron-proton pairing in the β-decay characteristics of the neutron-rich Cd isotopes is discussed.

Primary author

Mr Evgenii Sushenok (International University Dubna)


Dr Alexey Severyukhin (BLTP, JINR) Dr Ivan Borzov (NRC KI and JINR) Dr Nikolay Arsenyev (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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