10–14 Oct 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference will be held on October 10-14 of 2022 in Saint Petersburg.

Supersymmetric Higher Spins from Harmonic Superspace

11 Oct 2022, 16:45
Session Talk Section A: Mathematical methods in QFT Section A


Evgeny Ivanov (BLTP JINR, Dubna)


We present an off-shell formulation of ${\cal N}=2$ higher spin supermultiplets within the harmonic
superspace approach. Each supermultiplet is described by a triple of unconstrained harmonic analytic
gauge superfields, with the linearized action of some universal form. To the first order in gauge superfields,
we give their off-shell cubic couplings to ${\cal N}=2$ matter hypermultiplets and define the higher-spin gauge
transformations of the latter. Some further prospects of this new direction of applications of the harmonic
superspace approach are discussed in brief.\

The talk is based on two recent works with Ioseph Buchbinder and Nikita Zaigraev, JHEP 2021, 2022.

Presentation materials