The following posters were presented at the conference MQFT-2022:
- Evgeny Andronov; Daria Prokhorova; Anton Belousov, "Influence of quark-gluon string interactions on particle correlations in p+p collisions";
- Nikita Golub, "Sheaf theoretic approach to equivariant cohomology";
- Anastasia Zueva; Oleg Novikov, "Local observables in quantum gravity holographic models";
- Roman Ilin; Sergey Paston, "Dual action for gauge p-form mimetic gravity";
- Dmitriy Kerbitskiy, "Random walk on a random surface: RG analysis of a simple model";
- A. A. Mikheeva, A. A. Andrianov, M. V. Ioffe, "Coarse-graining transformation of FGKLS equation";
- G. A. Sumbatian, E. A. Ievlev, A. V. Yung, "Quantum effects in the massive two-dimensional CP(N-1) sigma model in the large N limit";
- Mikhail Reiter, "Renormalization group analysis of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang model coupled to the stochastic Navier-Stokes equation";
- Станислав Сергеевич Купцов, "Предел слабого гравитационного поля для уравнений Редже-Тейтельбойма на фоне нетривиального вложения плоской метрики".