Oct 10 – 14, 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference will be held on October 10-14 of 2022 in Saint Petersburg.


The conference proceedings include papers from oral and selected number of poster presentations and are published in the special issue of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, following a peer review of contributions.

Theoretical and Mathematical Physics covers quantum field theory and theory of elementary particles, fundamental problems of nuclear physics, many-body problems and statistical physics, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, and basic problems of gravitation theory. Articles report on current developments in theoretical physics as well as related mathematical problems. Impact factor of the journal is 0.685, quartile is Q3.

Russian edition website http://www.mathnet.ru/php/journal.phtml?jrnid=tmf&option_lang=rus
English edition website https://link.springer.com/journal/11232

The journal will consider for publication any original research paper from people invited to the Conference. All manuscripts will be subject to refereeing as regular journal papers according to the rules of TMPh.

In preparing your work for publication please note that:
* As a rule, the size of the contribution is limited by 15-20 journal (i.e., the standard TeX) pages.
* Contributions may be written in English or Russian. All manuscripts accepted for publication will be translated either from Russian to English or from English to Russian for publishing in both the Russian and English editions of the journal.
* All (La)TeX dialects are accepted.
* Please, make a special paragraph: ``Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest." More detail on this topic you can find on the Springer site:
* In order to submit an article, please, use the journal web page

http://www.mathnet.ru/php/journal.phtml?jrnid=tmf&option_lang=eng (English version)
http://www.mathnet.ru/php/journal.phtml?jrnid=tmf&option_lang=rus (Russian version)
* Please, mention that your article is submitted for Proceedings of the MQFT-2022.

In case of any problems, please, contact TMPh's Managing Editor Mrs. Svetlana Sushko by the email address tmph@mi.ras.ru


Deadline for submission is January 31, 2023