Implementation CGIS in LIT

11 Nov 2020, 15:15
Oral Information Technology Information Technologies


Ekaterina Kuznetsova (Engineer)


In this study, LIT JINR is considered as an object of implementation of corporate GIS.
This information system is designed to optimize management decisions on the operation of the
LIT building based on the creation and maintenance of an up-to-date database on all aspects of
the functioning of the building infrastructure. The main goal of the introduction of CGIS in LIT
is the competent operation of the building, its technical communications, monitoring of
engineering networks, the systematic storage of archival documentation. The aim of this work is
to develop guidelines for the implementation of corporate GIS to ensure proper management of
the LIT building, monitoring all existing and planned engineering systems throughout the entire
life cycle of the enterprise. To achieve the goal in the course of work, the following tasks must
be solved:
 To study aspects of the creation and implementation of information systems designed to solve
the managerial problems facing engineering services that ensure the operation of buildings;
 Analyze the requirements for corporate geographic information systems designed to ensure the
efficient operation of the engineering services of LIT JINR;
 Justify the choice of the implemented CGIS on the basis of software and technological support
of the company LLC “ERMA SOFT”;
 Review the technological tools for the implementation of CGIS at the enterprise;
 Highlight the main stages of the development and implementation of CGIS;
 Describe user scenarios for the implementation of the CGIS;
 Propose further expansion of the capacities of the CGIS.

Primary author

Presentation materials