122nd session of the Scientific Council

International Conference Centre

International Conference Centre

JINR, Dubna
  • Monday 18 September
    • 1
      1. Opening of the session
      Speaker: V. Matveev
    • 2
      2. Director's report
      Speaker: V. Matveev
    • 3
      3. Appointment of the Editing Board for drafting the Resolution of the Scientific Council
      Speaker: M. Waligórski
    • 4
      4. Appointment of the Committee for the Election of the Director of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics (BLTP)
      Speaker: M. Waligórski
    • 11:15
      Coffee break
    • 5
      5. Status of the Factory of Superheavy Elements and its future prospects
      Speaker: S. Dmitriev
    • 6
      6. Progress of the NICA project
      Speaker: V. Kekelidze
    • 7
      7. Scientific report "The quest for phase transitions in strongly interacting matter"
      Speaker: A. Rustamov
    • 8
      8. Scientific report "Probing dense matter at NICA energies with dileptons: prospects and challenges"
      Speaker: I. Tserruya
    • 13:35
      Lunch break
    • 9
      9. Election of the Director of BLTP (closed session):
      Speaker: Election Committee
    • 10
      – proposal for the procedure
    • 11
      – recommendations of the Election Committee
    • 12
      – presentations by the candidates (10 min. each)
    • 13
      – discussion of the candidates
    • 14
      – secret ballot
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • 15
      10. Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees taken at the meetings in June 2017:
    • 16
      – PAC for Particle Physics
      Speaker: I. Tserruya
    • 17
      – PAC for Nuclear Physics
      Speaker: M. Lewitowicz
    • 18
      – PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
      Speaker: D. L. Nagy
    • 19
      11. Memberships of the PACs
      Speaker: M. Itkis
    • 20
      12. Announcement of vacancies of positions in the directorates of JINR Laboratories
      Speaker: V. Matveev
    • 19:00
      Welcoming reception
  • Tuesday 19 September
    • 21
      13. Reports by young scientists as recommended by the Programme Advisory Committees:
    • 22
      – "Investigation of exotic states in light nuclei"
      Speaker: D. Janseitov
    • 23
      – "Neurochemical alterations in central nervous system of rodents after exposure to different radiation modalities"
      Speaker: K. Belokopytova
    • 10:10
      Coffee break
    • 24
      14. Award of the B. Pontecorvo Prize to Professors Yifang Wang, Soo-Bong Kim, and Koichiro Nishikawa
      Speakers: A. Olshevskiy, V. Matveev
    • 25
      Presentations by the laureates of the B. Pontecorvo Prize (15 min. each)
    • 26
      15. Presentation of diplomas to the winners of JINR annual prizes for best papers in the fields of scientific research, instruments and methods, and applied research
      Speakers: A. Sorin, V. Matveev
    • 11:40

      <center><font style="font-size:12pt;"><u>Closed session</u></font></font></center>

    • 27
      16. General discussion. Adoption of the Resolution of the Scientific Council
    • 28
      17. Closing of the session
      Speaker: V. Matveev