Jul 18 – 21, 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone

Poster session

Due to large number of applicants, the organizing committee decided to arrange a Poster session. The posters are expected to be in A1 portrait format.

The following reports are to be presented as posters: 

Kirill  Bazarov,  Notes on peculiarities of quantum fields in space-times with horizons
Daniil  Davydov, Testing universal dark-matter caustic rings with galactic rotation curves
Dmitrii  Diakonov, Free energy and entropy in Rindler and de Sitter space-times
Alexey  Eskin, Energy levels of three-particle systems in quantum electrodynamics
Kirill  Kazarnovskii,  Thermalization with non-zero anomalous quantum averages
Maria  Kudenko, Towards new tests of cosmic-ray correlations with BL Lac type objects
Alexander  Libanov, Q-balls of dark matter and LIGO/VIRGO gravitational wave signals
Nickolay  Martynenko, The circumgalactic medium contribution to IceCube's astrophysical neutrino flux
Anton Pribytok, Novel integrable structure and deformations in $AdS_n$ string backgrounds
Kirill  Riabtsev, Energy-dependent flavor ratios, cascade/track spectrum tension and high-energy neutrinos from magnetospheres of supermassive black holes
Dmitry  Salnikov, Probing axion-like particles with superconducting cavities
Andrey  Sharofeev, The Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background in the Standard and Double Collapse Models
Pavel  Slepov, Energy Loss in Strong Magnetic Field
Gleb  Suzdalov, Modelling gravitational wave emission in the post-inflationary Universe
Elizaveta  Trunina,  The duality between the trigonometric Calogero-Moser system and the rational Ruijsenaars system as spectral duality between the trigonometric Gaudin model and the rational spin chain.