Jul 18 – 21, 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone

Proceedings (updated)

All the contributions submitted to the Organising Committee are scheduled for publication in Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, Volume 20, Issue 3, 2023


All participants with oral presented talks are invited to publish contributions in PEPAN Letters. All papers are subject to refereeing. While the journal is bilingual, we encourage the participants to prepare the material in Russian. 

By submitting a paper for publication in PEPAN Letters the authors imply that the manuscript has not been published previously nor has been submitted for publication elsewhere.

Authors should make a careful survey of the literature to ensure that papers do not duplicate previous work and that relevant existing knowledge has been taken into account. 

Proceedings in short:

  • submission deadline - October 20th, 2022  extended to October 27th, 2022
  • 6 pages for 20 min parallel talks, 8 pages for 30 min parallel talks, and 10 pages for plenary talks
  • a contribution can be submitted in Russian and/or in English
  • title / abstract /affiliation(s) in both languages
  • copyright agreement, completed and signed by ALL (co)authors
  • to be published in PEPAN Letters


Paper Preparation

  1. A manuscript should contain the text in the LaTeX or Word formats and files of figures. All pages should be numbered, and the manuscript must include all necessary elements of the paper.
  2. The first page of the manuscript should include the title of the paper, the initials, surnames, and affiliations (including country, city, zip code, and address for correspondence) of all the authors followed by the short abstract. At least one of the authors should provide an e-mail address for correspondence. PACS indexes must be indicated (see http://www.aip.org/pacs) after the abstract.
  3. In formulas, all roman letters denoting physical quantities should be italicized EVm, etc.). Vectors must be in bold type without arrows over the letters. Similarity numbers (Ar, Re, etc.), functions (sin, arcsin, sinh, etc.), conventional mathematical abbreviations (max, min, opt, const, idem, lim, log, ln, det, exp), chemical elements (Cl, Fe), etc., should be in roman type. With the exception of abbreviations including those of surnames, which must be in roman type, letters in sub- and superscripts should be in lowercase italics.
  4. Figures must be clearly readable and of good quality. It is desirable to submit each figure in the form of an individual file in the Encapsulated PostScript format (*.eps) or in the Portable Document Format (*.pdf). Raster artwork should be at least 300 dpi at 100% (Full print size). If a color figure is submitted, please, make sure to upload in addition a usable black and white version required to correctly reproduce the artwork in print.
  5. Cited references must be given in a general list at the end of a manuscript and should be numbered by the consecutive numerals as they are mentioned in the main text. The list of references must have the heading REFERENCES. All references should include a full list of authors with the only exception being collaboration papers. It is not permissible to cite unpublished works. Examples of references are as follows.
    1. Collins J. Foundations of Perturbative QCD. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
    2. Anselmino M., Boglione M., D.Alesio U., Kotzinian A., Murgia F., Prokudin A., Melis S., Update on Transversity and Collins Functions from SIDIS and e+−e− Data // Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop on New Trends in HERA Physics 2008. Ringberg Castle, Germany, 2008. Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.. 2009. V. 191. P. 98,107.
    3. Cherednikov I.O., Mertens T. and Van der Veken F. F., Cusped Light-Like Wilson Loops in Gauge Theories // Phys. Part. Nucl. 2013. V. 44. P. 250
    4. Chatrchyan S. et al. [CMS Collaboration]. Observation and Studies of Jet Quenching in PbPb Collisions at Nucleon-Nucleon Center-of-Mass Energy = 2.76 TeV // Phys. Rev. C. 2011. V.В 84. P. 024906
    5. Martinez G. Advances in Quark Gluon Plasma, arXiv:1304.1452 [nucl-ex].


Copyright Notice

In accordance with international and Russian copyright (intellectual property rights) legislation, scientific works (science articles) are protected by copyright law. Scientific works are the result of intellectual activity, that is, an object protected by copyright. The person by means of whose labor the scientific work was created as a result of the intellectual activity is recognized as the author (coauthor).

Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (PPL) publisher of PEPAN Letters in English, hereby inform you that the use of results of intellectual activity – translation, publishing, and distribution of an article in journals in English – is carried out by the above-mentioned publishing companies solely on the basis of an agreement on the transfer of copyright. It is mandatory to fill out, sign, and send the said agreement to the editorial board of PEPAN Letters.

In order to simplify the procedure of interaction between an author (coauthors) and the publisher we kindly ask you to send agreements on transfer of copyright simultaneously with the manuscript of the article to the board.

This agreement is a contract of adhesion.

We draw your attention to the fact that the agreement enters into force under the condition of acceptance of an article for publication in English. If for any reason your article is refused by the editorial board of the journal, the agreement automatically loses force. The decision on acceptance of an article for publication is the exclusive right of the editorial board. The signing of the agreement by an author (coauthors) means that the author (coauthors) has acquainted himself (themselves) and agrees (agree) with the conditions of the agreement.

The completed and signed agreements can be scanned and sent to board

A copyright transfer agreement form can be downloaded at the link:

Model Author's Agreement Form  (http://pleiades.online/pub/agreements/copyright_eng.zip)

Please send your contribution to qft@theor.jinr.ru.

The deadline for submission of contributions is October 20th, 2022 October 27th, 2022