4:30 PM
Исследование эффективности машинного обучения в задаче определения положения кистей рук по набору ключевых точек
Sergei Shtekhin
4:45 PM
Система определения общей̆ координации движения и состояния алкогольного опьянения по данным с виброметрических сенсоров
Nikita Sarambaev
5:00 PM
Atmospheric correction of satellite images using a neural network
Valery Grishkin
5:15 PM
Quantization of generative adversarial networks
Egor Mitrofanov
5:30 PM
Generating record templates as a subtask for extracting entities from poorly structured data, using author affiliation information as an example
Ivan Filkin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
5:45 PM
Evaluation of named entity recognition program packages for data mining
Ivan Sokolov
6:00 PM
Designing a system for monitoring the publication activity of the scientific organization’s researchers.
Matvei Malugin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
6:15 PM
Automation of data collection and analysis to optimize the sample processing process (test tube path): speeding up the process, reducing the number of errors and downtime
Olga Malyukova
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
6:30 PM
Trends in the development of big data technology by region
Marina Rusinova