Proposal to develop an accelerator facility for NE region by CUPAC NE Collaboration

17 Oct 2023, 15:10
International Meeting House

International Meeting House

Stroitelei str., 2 Dubna Moscow region Russian Federation


Jiban J. Das (Cotton University)


The CUPAC NE Collaboration involves 20 universities, institutes and colleges from the North Eastern
states of India. Our collaborators from Indian national laboratories (BARC, IUAC, UGC-DAE CSR) and
International laboratories# bring much needed experience and expertise in experimental techniques and stellar model
codes critical to success of CUPAC mission. The long term goal of CUPAC is to construct a world class accelerator
facility in the NE region [1]. The proposed accelerator is a 5 MV Pelletron accelerator with an ECRIS injector.
Research domains include PIMS (Positive Ion Mass Spectrometry), nuclear astrophysics, neutron science including
AD-BNCT (Accelerator Driven Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) and SHIM (Swift Heavy Ions in Materials) with
high intensity inert/heavy ion beams.

The proposed accelerator could uniquely augment national research capabilities in investigation of nuclear
astrophysics reactions at (i) Gamow peak in ~200 keV to 100 MeV energy range and (ii) Inert isotopes like Ne,
Ar etc and providing high intensity heavy ion beams including group-VIII elements @ ~100 MeV for SHIM
Currently, the collaboration is implementing R &D projects in AD-BNCT, PIMS and investigation of neutron
source in AGB stars [2, 3]. Considerable efforts were also put in designing a gas jet target coupled with RMS
for nuclear astrophysics, ion optics of accelerator and kinematically focused neutron source at IUAC.
[1]."Developing a Discovery Class Particle Accelerator Facility at Cotton University by CUPAC - North East
Collaboration" by G. C. Wary , M Patgiri , A. Barthakur , K. Boruah , J.J. Das, V. M. Datar, B.M. Jyrwa , P. C.
Rout , S. Santra, D. Sarma, N. Nimai Singh in Proceedings of the DAE Symp. on Nucl. Phys. 65 (2021) 5-14
[2]. “The Importance of the 13C(α,n)16O Reaction in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars” by S. Cristallo et. al. in
The Astrophysical Journal, 859:105 (14pp), 2018 June 1
[3]. n_ToF: Measurements of key reactions of interest to AGB stars by C. Massimi et. al. in Universe 2022 8

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