Oct 2 – 6, 2023
Europe/Belgrade timezone

General Information

In accordance with the plan for international cooperation, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, RUSSIA together with the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA are organizing "NICA Days 2023" and the XII Collaboration Meeting of  the MPD Experiment at the NICA Facility from 2 to 6 October 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia (day of arrival – 01 October , day of departure – 07 October ).

Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences is a multidisciplinary institute founded in 1948. It has more than 500 researches and PhD students. From 2018, the Government declared INS Vinča as the National institute of the Republic of Serbia. 

NICA Days 2023 and the XII Collaboration Meeting of  the MPD Experiment at the NICA Facility are devoted to the NICA megascience project and the сurrent status and progress in the construction of the MPD detector in particular.

Most recent schedule of the NICA accelerator complex, construction and commissioning of the MPD detector as well as plans for first beams will be provided. New developments in computing and software infrastructure for operation, calibration and alignment of the detector subsystems as well as for physical analyses with the first collected data sets will be reviewed. New developments in the physics feasibility studies and analysis techniques will be summarized in the PWG reports accompanied with a number of dedicated reports with highlights from other heavy-ion experiments and more detailed discussion of observables of interest.