Last Name | First Name | Affiliation | Title |
Antokhin | Evgeny | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics | In person |
Aparin | Alexey | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | In person |
Ayala | Alejandro | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM | In person |
Baatar | Otgongerel | Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolia | Remotely |
Babkin | Vadim | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | In person |
Babutsidze | Tamar | High Energy Physics Institute | Remotely |
Belecky | Pavel | Plekhanov RUE | Remotely |
Berdnikov | Yaroslav | SPbPU & NRC KI PNPI | Remotely |
Blau | Dmitry | NRC "Kurchatov Institute" | Remotely |
Bondarenko | Serge | JINR | Remotely |
Botvina | Alexander | Institute for Nuclear Research of Russian Academy of Sciences | In person |
Buryakov | Mikhail | JINR, LHEP | Remotely |
Bychkov | Alexander | LHEP | In person |
Ceballos Sanchez | Cesar | JINR | Remotely |
Cuautle | Eleazar | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM | In person |
Demanov | Alexander | NRNU MEPhI | Remotely |
Devetak | Damir | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences | In person |
Dmitrieva | Uliana | Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Remotely |
Dulov | Petar | Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski'', JINR | Remotely |
Erkenova | Jamilya | REU | Remotely |
Fediunin | Alexander | Jinr | In person |
Feofilov | Grigory | Saint-Petersburg State University | In person |
García Formentí Mendieta | Rodrigo | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM | Remotely |
Gavrishchuk | Oleg | JINR | Remotely |
Gertsenberger | Konstantin | JINR | Remotely |
Golosov | Oleg | NRC "Kurchatov Institute", MEPhI | Remotely |
Golovatyuk | Viacheslav | JINR | In person |
Golubeva | Marina | Institute for Nuclear Research RAS | Remotely |
Guber | Fedor | INR RAS, Moscow | Remotely |
Guskov | Alexey | JINR | In person |
Guzmán Castro | Rodrigo | Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares | Remotely |
Herrera Barrera | Maribel | JINR | Remotely |
Igamkulov | Zafar | LHEP, JINR | Remotely |
Ivanishchev | Dmitry | NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI | Remotely |
Ivashkin | Alexander | INR RAS, Moscow | In person |
Kamkin | Alexander | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics | Remotely |
Karpushkin | Nikolay | Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Remotely |
Kattabekov | Rasuljon | JINR VBLHEP | Remotely |
Kekelidze | Vladimir | LHEP, JINR | In person |
Khvorostukhin | Andrey | JINR | Remotely |
Kireyeu | Viktar | JINR | Remotely |
Kolesnikov | Vadim | JINR | In person |
Korotchik | Olga | JINR | In person |
Kotov | Dmitry | SPbPU & NRC KI PNPI | Remotely |
Kovalenko | Vladimir | Saint Petersburg State University | Remotely |
Krylov | Alexander | In person | |
Krylov | Viktor | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) | In person |
Kulikov | Viacheslav | NRC "Kurchatov institute" | In person |
Kurepin | Alexey | Institute for Nuclear Research RAS | Remotely |
Kuzmin | Valentin | Lomonosov MoscowState University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics | In person |
Lashmanov | Nikita | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | Remotely |
Lebedev | Igor | Institute of Physics and Technology | Remotely |
Lebedev | Valeri | JINR | In person |
Lednicky | Richard | JINR Dubna | Remotely |
Li | Linmao | Tsinghua University | Remotely |
Li | Pengcheng | Huzhou University | Remotely |
Litvinenko | Anatoly | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | Remotely |
Lokhtin | Igor | Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics | Remotely |
Malaev | Mikhail | NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI | Remotely |
Maldonado | Ivonne | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | Remotely |
Maletic | Dimitrije | Institute of Physics Belgrade | In person |
Manic | Dragan | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences | In person |
Merkin | Mikhail | SINP MSU | Remotely |
Mikhalevich | Dmitriy | RUE | Remotely |
Milosevic | Jovan | Vinca institute of nuclear sciences | In person |
Molokanova | Natalia | JINR | In person |
Morozov | Sergey | Institute for Nuclear Research RAS | Remotely |
Moshkin | Andrey | JINR | Remotely |
Mukhin | Konstantin | Joint Institut for Nuclear Research | In person |
Murin | Yuri | JINR | In person |
Nađđerđ | Laslo | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences | In person |
Nešković | Nebojša | World Academy of Art and Science | In person |
Nioradze | Mikheil | HEPI TSU | Remotely |
Panacik | Vladimir | JINR | Remotely |
Parfenov | Peter | MEPhI, Moscow | In person |
Pavlović | Dragan | Lola Institut | In person |
Pelevanyuk | Igor | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | In person |
Peresunko | Dmitri | NRC "Kurchatov institute" | In person |
Popov | Vladimir | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI | Remotely |
Pshenichnov | Igor | Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences | Remotely |
Pukhaeva | Nelli | JINR | Remotely |
Radiša | Radomir | LOLA institute | In person |
Raya | Alfredo | IFM-UMSNH | In person |
Rekovic | Vladimir | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade | In person |
Riabov | Viktor | PNPI | In person |
Rode | Sudhir Pandurang | JINR | In person |
Rogachevskiy | Oleg | JINR | In person |
Rogov | Victor | JINR | Remotely |
Rufanov | Igor | JINR | Remotely |
Rumyantsev | Mikhail | JINR | Remotely |
Rusak | Yury | JIPNR-Sosny | Remotely |
Sedykh | Sergey | JINR | Remotely |
Segal | Ilya | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI | Remotely |
Shchipunov | Andrey | JINR | Remotely |
Smolyanin | Timofey | JINR | Remotely |
Sorin | Alexander | JINR | In person |
Suvarieva | Dilyana | Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" Plovdiv, Bulgaria, JINR | Remotely |
Svetlichnyi | Aleksandr | MIPT, INR RAS | Remotely |
Syresin | Evgeny | Joint Institute for Nuclear Researches | In person |
Tang | Zebo | University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) | Remotely |
Taranenko | Arkadiy | NRNU MEPhI/VBLHEP JINR | In person |
Tawfik | Abdel Nasser | Future University in Egypt and Egyptian Center for Theoretical Physics | In person |
Topilin | Nikolay | JINR Dubna | In person |
Toprek | Dragan | VINCA Institute of Nuclear Sciences | In person |
Tretyakova | Tatiana | SINP MSU | Remotely |
Troshin | Valery | NRNU MEPhI | Remotely |
Trubnikov | Grigory | JINR | In person |
Tserruya | Itzhak | Weizmann Institute of Science | In person |
Tyapkin | Igor | JINR | In person |
Ustinov | Valentin | JINR VBLHEP | Remotely |
Vereschagin | Stepan | JINR, VBLHEP | In person |
Volkov | Vadim | INR RAS | Remotely |
Wang | Jian-Song | Huzhou University | Remotely |
Wang | Yi | Tsinghua University | |
Wang | Yonghong | Shandong University | Remotely |
Wang | Yulin | Shandong University | Remotely |
Xie | Guannan | UCAS | Remotely |
Yang | Chi | Shandong University | Remotely |
Yurevich | Vladimir | JINR | In person |
Zherebchevsky | Vladimir | Saint-Petersburg State University | Remotely |
Zhu | Xiangrong | Huzhou University | In person |
Zinchenko | Alexander | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | In person |
Zinchenko | Dmitrii | JINR | Remotely |
Zubankov | Aleksandr | Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Remotely |
Ćirković | Marjan | University of Belgrade | In person |
Додонова | Лидия | JINR | Remotely |
Игамкулов | Зафар | ЛФВЭ ОИЯИ | Remotely |
Николай | Власов | ОИЯИ | Remotely |
Смелянский | Иван | ЛФВЭ НЭОМД | Remotely |
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