The first Collaboration meeting
of the MPD and BM@N experiments
at the NICA Facility
will take place in Dubna, Russia
at V.I.Veksler and A.M.Baldin
of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
on April 11-13, 2018
A 3-day meeting will take place at JINR on April 11-13, 2018 to officially launch the MPD and BM@N Collaborations.
The discussions and presentations at the meeting will center around three main topics:
- current status and plans of the MPD and BM@N experiments, including all subsystems, simulations, expected performance of the detectors and preparedness for data analysis.
- current status and schedule of the NICA facility including the expected machine parameters.
- procedures to establish and adopt the by-laws of the Collaborations, including the formation of the governing bodies of the Collaborations (for example, Institutional Board, Executive Council, Detector Council, Physics working groups, Analysis and Simulation groups...) and election of the spokesperson and chairperson of the IB.
All groups already involved, as well as groups potentially interested, in one or the two experiments, are invited to participate in the meeting to formally join the MPD and/or BM@N Collaborations. In particular, group leaders are urged to register as early as possible.