The closest airports from Dubna are Moscow Sheremetievo and Moscow Domodedovo Airports. If you have a choice, please, use Moscow Sheremetievo. It is the closest to Dubna (less than 2 hours by car). Other Moscow airports are much farther from Dubna.
Buses from the Airports to Dubna will be available. Please, inform us via the Registration form about your arrival and departure flights. If you are coming to Moscow Sheremetievo, please, write which terminal are you coming to.
The closest airports from Dubna are Moscow Sheremetievo and Moscow Domodedovo Airports. If you have a choice, please, use Moscow Sheremetievo. It is the closest to Dubna (less than 2 hours by car). Other Moscow airports are much farther from Dubna.
Buses from the Airports to Dubna will be available. Please, inform us via the Registration form about your arrival and departure flights. If you are coming to Moscow Sheremetievo, please, write which terminal are you coming to.
If you are coming by yourself from Moscow, you may take a train from the Savyolovskij Railway station in Moscow to Dubna. Then you have to get to the Hotel "Dubna" from the Railway station.