The registration fee for participants is 150 Euros. It includes lunches, coffee breaks, reception, dinner, accommodation (from April 10 to 14) and the round trip transportation from Moscow airports to JINR.
For participants that will not need round trip transportation from Moscow airports to Dubna and will not need accommodation in Dubna, the registration fee will be 50 Euros and it includes all coffee breaks, lunches, reception and dinner.
The registration fee will be accepted by transfer (more preferable) or in cash at the registration desk at your arrival to JINR. The EURO or USD and ruble equivalent are acceptable.
Below please find JINR account details for the bank transfers.
Beneficiary: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russia, Dubna, Moscow region
TIN 9909125356/501063001 -
Beneficiary's address: Russia,
141980 Dubna, Moscow region,
Joliot-Curie str., 6 -
Beneficiary's bank: JSC VTB Ban
Russia, 109044, Moscow, 43 Vorontsovskaya str. - SWIFT: VTBRRUMM
Beneficiary's account
with beneficiary bank (USD): 40807840400000000292 -
Details of payment Registration fee,
NICA First Collaboration Meeting
Beneficiary: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Russia, Dubna, Moscow region
TIN 9909125356/501063001 -
Beneficiary's address: Russia,
141980 Dubna, Moscow region,
Joliot-Curie str., 6 -
Beneficiary's bank: JSC VTB Bank
Russia, Moscow -
Beneficiary's account
with beneficiary bank (EURO): 40807978000050000158 - SWIFT: VTBRRUMM
Details of payment Registration fee,
NICA First Collaboration Meeting
Получатель: ИНН 9909125356
КПП 501063001
Объединенный институт ядерных исследований
Р/счет: 40807810800050000513
банка: Банк ВТБ (ПАО) г. Москва
БИК: 044525187
Корр.сч.: 30101810700000000187
Адрес: 141980 г.Дубна, Моск.обл., ул.Жолио-Кюри, д.6
платежа: Оргвзнос, NICA First Collaboration Meeting