SPD Physics and MC meeting N33

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      Communications from Physics Coordinator
      Speaker: Igor Denisenko (JINR)
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      New algorithm of primary vertex reconstruction in SPD
      Speaker: Vladimir Andreev (LPI, Moscow)
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      Resolution of Spd Detector in the Search of Dibarions with small energy excitations
      Speakers: Vladimir Kurbatov (JINR), Boris Kostenko (JINR), Vladimir Andreev (LPI, Moscow), Artem Ivanov (JINR), Zhanibek Kurmanaliyev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
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      Charged D Meson Reconstruction at SPD
      Speaker: Amaresh Datta (JINR)
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      Towards studies of 2-particles Pt correlations in proton-proton and and deuteron-deuteron interactions.
      Speakers: Aida Galoyan (Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics), Vladimir Uzhinsky (LIT, JINR)
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      On using leading hadron and clusters of charged particles to reconstruct parton kinematics
      Speaker: Serafim Seryubin