Vladimir Smirnov
(Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University)
24/07/2018, 14:50
An algorithm to find a solution of differential equations for master integrals
in the form of an $\epsilon$-expansion series with numerical coefficients
is presented. The algorithm is based on using generalized power series expansions near singular points
of the differential system, solving difference equations for the corresponding coefficients in these expansions and using matching to...
Oleg Tarasov
(JINR Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia)
24/07/2018, 15:20
An algorithm for finding functional equations
allowing to essentially simplify evaluation
of Feynman integrals is proposed.
With the help of such functional equations
new compact analytic results for the one loop
3-, 4- and 5- point functions with massless propagators
are derived.
The obtained results are valid for arbitrary
space-time dimension and arbitrary values of
kinematical variables.
Roman Lee
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
24/07/2018, 15:50
Alexander Smirnov
24/07/2018, 16:20
During the last years the CPU speed is not growing much, and parallization with the use of shared memory is widely used but also has it limits. Still there are new reduction and evaluation tasks and new approaches are needed. So how can the supercomputers be used in order to help researcher with these tasks?
In this talk we are going to disscuss an already existing modification of FIESTA that...
Andrei Kataev
(Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS)
25/07/2018, 15:35
Gorazd Cvetic
(Univ. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)
25/07/2018, 16:05
A QCD coupling is constructed which at low momenta qualitatively agrees with the lattice coupling in the MiniMOM scheme. The latter coupling is the product of the gluon dressing function and the square of the ghost dressing function, evaluated in large volume lattice calculations in the Landau gauge. These lattice calculations show that such a coupling $A_{latt.}(Q^2)$ behaves as $\sim Q^2$...
Tord Riemann
25/07/2018, 16:35
Leonid Bork
27/07/2018, 14:50
Andrei Onishchenko
27/07/2018, 15:20
In this talk we discuss solutions of multiloop Baxter equations arising in quantum spectral curve description of various supersymmetric quantum field theories. We are interested in perturbative solution for anomalous dimensions of operators in sl(2) sector at arbitrary spin values. For these types of problems we propose a new method for the solution of mentioned nonhomogeneous second order...
Alexander Ochirov
(ETH Zurich)
27/07/2018, 15:50
The novel massive spinor-helicity formalism of Arkani-Hamed, Huang and Huang provides an elegant way to calculate scattering amplitudes in quantum chromodynamics for arbitrary quark spin projections. In this talk I discuss the computation of two all-multiplicity families of tree-level QCD amplitudes with one massive quark pair and n-2 gluons. In these formulae the spin quantization axes can be...
Mikhail Dolgopolov
(Samara University)
27/07/2018, 16:40
In this report authors discuss features of some topological methods for baryogenesis and phase transition analysis, including models with an extended scalar sectors at finite temperatures. The first and second differential forms are implemented for the effective potential. The classic picture of baryogenesis in grand unification theories has changed significantly with the standard model...
Vladimir Bytev
29/07/2018, 13:30
Stanislav Poslavsky
(Institute for High Energy Physics NRC Kurchatov Institute)
29/07/2018, 14:00
Computer algebra and in particular computational commutative algebra (along with algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry) is a quite important ingredient of practical computations in high energy physics. Importance of fast algebraic methods is especially manifested when e.g. considering physical processes at modern colliders within (N*)NLO accuracy: methods such as rational function...
Sergey Volkov
29/07/2018, 15:20
High-precision calculation of the electron anomalous magnetic moment requires evaluation of QED Feynman diagrams with 4 independent loops and even more. To make this calculation practically feasible it is necessary to remove all infrared and ultraviolet divergences before an integration. A procedure of removing both infrared and ultraviolet divergences in each individual Feynman diagram will...
Victor Molokoedov
(MIPT, INR RAS, Landau Inst.)
29/07/2018, 15:50
The PT higher order corrections and their flavor dependence for the QCD relation between pole and running masses of heavy quarks are estimated by means of the effective charges motivated methods, defined in the Euclidean and Minkowskian regions, and the renormalon-based approach, predicting the asymptotic behavior of the corresponding PT series. These methods unambiguously forecast a decrease...
Vitaly Yermolchyk
29/07/2018, 16:10
Recent results on the development of generator LPPG with wise phase space parameterization and multi-channel optimization approach are presented. LPPG suited for description of different processes at hadron and lepton colliders at the one-loop precision level. Matching with shower is performed using Powheg-like method.
Nugzar Makhaldiani
29/07/2018, 16:30
Boson, fermion, and super oscillators and (statistical) mechanism of osmological
constant; finite approximation of the zeta-function and fermion factorization of
the bosonic statistical sum considered.
Vladimir Zykunov
(Leading Researcher of Laboratory of High Energy Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
30/07/2018, 13:30
The NLO electroweak and QCD radiative corrections to Drell-Yan process at extra large invariant dilepton mass (M) in fully differential form have been studied. The results are the compact expressions, they expand via Sudakov and collinear logarithms. The new G/N-method of taking into account of radiative events without any approximations is demonstrated. At the parton/hadron level FORTRAN code...
Yury Bystritskiy
30/07/2018, 14:00
The hard photons effect in the annihilation of proton and antiproton to electron-positron pair is investigated.
Nikolay Krasnikov
30/07/2018, 14:50
We review current and future experimental efforts on search for light
dark matter at accelerators including NA64 experiment at CERN
Alexander Belyaev
(University of Southampton)
30/07/2018, 15:35
Determination of the nature of Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most fundamental problems of particle physics and cosmology. If DM is light enough and interacts with Standard Model particles directly or via some mediators with a strength beyond the gravitational one, it can be directly produced at the Large Hadron Collider or future particle accelerators. The typical signature from DM...
Anton Baushev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)
30/07/2018, 16:15
Maxim Barkov
(Purdue University)
30/07/2018, 16:45
Alexander Nesterenko
31/07/2018, 14:50
The dispersive approach to QCD, which extends the applicability range of
perturbation theory towards the infrared domain, is applied to the study
of hadronic vacuum polarization function and related quantities. This
approach merges, in a self-consistent way, the intrinsically
nonperturbative constraints, which originate in the kinematic restrictions
on the relevant physical processes,...
Maxim Nefedov
(Samara National Research University; II Institute for Theoretical Physics, Hamburg University)
31/07/2018, 15:20
The structure of one-loop calculations in Lipatov's Gauge-invariant EFT for Multi-Regge processes in QCD will be reviewed. I will focus on rapidity divergences, their relation with Reggeization of t-channel particles, consistent regularization and techniques to compute one-loop integrals with several scales. Preliminary results of this work have been published in [1]. The new results include...