Fission modes and deformed nuclear shells in mass and energy distributions of fission fragments of 237Pu compound nuclei formed in 233U(α,f) reaction at 24 and 29 MeV incident alpha particle energy

2 Jul 2024, 13:40
Conference Hall (FLNR)

Conference Hall


second floor, Chairman: Adamian G.


Andrey Pan (Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan)


Mass and energy distributions of fission fragments of 237Pu compound nuclei formed in 233U(α,f) reaction at 24 and 29 MeV incident alpha particle energy were measured at U-150M cyclotron at Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan using 2E method. Measured distributions at two different compound nuclei excitation energies were each decomposed into separate yields from fission modes and deformed nuclear shells using a method that takes into account mass yield, average total kinetic energy and variance of average total kinetic energy. This method also assumes that mass yield of each mode and each deformed shell has a shape of gauss distribution. Such assumption reduces the number of parameters required to fit experimental data and as such increases the sensitivity of the method to yields of weaker deformed shells. This allowed to separate yield of Z50 spherical shell from yield of Z52 deformed shell, yield of N88 deformed shell from yield of N84 deformed shell and yield of N50 spherical shell from yield of N46 deformed shell.

Section Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions

Primary author

Andrey Pan (Institute of nuclear physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan)


Alimov Dilshod Daniyar Janseitov (BLTP/INP) Kirill Kovalchuk (INP) Raisa Kosherbayeva (INP)

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