Decay properties of the 260Sg isotope

Not scheduled


Lyubov Kuznetsova (Dubna State University)


An experiment on the study of the 260Sg decay properties was conducted using the SHELS separator. The isotope was synthesized in the complete fusion reaction of 54Cr beam ions and 207Pb target nuclei.
The alpha-spectrum was investigated and its fine structure was discovered.
The neutron multiplicities of 260Sg spontaneous fission (ν = 4,66 ± 0,14) were obtained for the first time using the SFiNx detector system. The multiplicity distribution of emitted prompt neutrons was restored using the Tikhonov method of statistical regularisation.

Section Nuclear structure: theory and experiment

Primary authors

Ms A. A. Kuznetsova (JINR) A. G. Popeko (JINR) Mr A. I. Svirikhin (JINR) A. Rahmatinejad (JINR) Mr A. V. Isaev (Dubna State University, JINR) Mr A. V. Yeremin (JINR) B. Sailaubekov (JINR) E. A. Sokol (JINR) H. M. Devaraja (JINR) Mr I. N. Izosimov (JINR) Lyubov Kuznetsova (Dubna State University) Mr M. L. Chelnokov (JINR) Ms M. S. Tezekbayeva (JINR) Mr N. I. Zamyatin (JINR) Mr O. N. Malyshev (JINR) Mr R. S. Mukhin (JINR) T. M. Shneidman (JINR) Mr V. I. Chepigin (JINR) Mr Yu. A. Popov (JINR)

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