Tracking modules with DSSD sensors for the BM@N experiment

Not scheduled


Dmitrii Dementev (JINR LHEP)


Modules with a double-sided silicon microstrip sensors are the
back-bone components of the future wide-aperture Silicon Tracking
System of BM@N experiment. The main features of this module are the
fast readout electronics based on STS-XYTER ASIC and the usage of low
mass (0.23% X0) aluminum micro-cables for the transfer of analog
signals from the sensor strips to the input channels of the readout
electronics. The results of tests of the tracking modules with 1 GeV
proton beams at the SC-1000 accelerator at PNPI are presented. Stable
operation of the readout electronics at occupancies, which are close
to the maximum values - 360 kHz sec^-1 cm^-2 was demonstrated. The
Signal-to-Noise ratio for the module is more than 23. The measured
coordinate resolution of the modules within the beam telescope is
17±0.4 μm, and the detector registration efficiency for protons with
energy of 1 GeV is more than 99%.

Section Heavy ion collisions at Intermediate and high energies

Primary authors

Aleksie Sheremetev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dmitrii Dementev (JINR LHEP) Igor Rufanov (JINR) Mikhail Shitenkov (JINR) Vladimir Leontyev (MSU) Yuri Murin

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