A new vertexing algorithm is presented, applicable to IP determination, based on the linear extrapolation of tracks in the vicinity of the IP. The algorithm considers the tracks as infinitely elongated ellipsoids, reducing the problem to the vertexing of a set of points of given ellipsoid error matrices. We have implemented the idea in C++, which works with our previously reported NXV4 package...
In the series of experiments performed at the beam of the MT-25 microtron in FLNR, JINR, the break-up of fission fragments (FFs) while they pass a solid-state foil in the timing detector, placed at four meters from the actinide target was observed [1-3]. The results were obtained using the VEGA (V–E Guide based Array) setup. The FFs from photo-fission reactions were captured by an...
A method of determining the position of the readout sectors of a time projection chamber using experimental data is proposed. Considering the results of modeling the response of sensitive elements of the time projection chamber of the multipurpose detector (MPD), three types of tracks were reconstructed: cosmic muons, beams of the laser detector system, and muons from the interaction of...
We apply artificial neural networks (ANN) to event-wise analysis of simulated data from a microchannel plate detector (MCP)[1] being considered for installation in future experiments on NICA collider [2]. We have demonstrated, that neural networks can estimate the parameters of the collision not only from spatial distribution of particles, but also benefit from high resolution time-of-flight...
Практика работы экспериментов на Большом адронном коллайдере (БАК) показала, что основной проблемой эксплуатации многопроволочных пропорциональных камер (МПК) являются спонтанные самоподдерживающиеся токи (ССТ) [1,2]. Их появление вызывает либо аварийное отключение детекторов, либо понижение значений поданного на них напряжения, что приводит к уменьшению эффективности соответствующих...
The new high granular time-of-flight neutron detector (HGND) is being developed for the BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) experiment to identify neutrons and to measure their energies in heavy-ion collisions at ion beam energies up to 4 AGeV. The HGND consists of about 2000 scintillator detectors (cells) with a size of 40X40X25 mm^3 and with individual light readout with EQR15 11-6060D-S...
Эксперименты проводились в рамках программы электроядерных исследований на ускорителях ОИЯИ на экспериментальных комплексах ЛЯП и ЛФВЭ ОИЯИ, созданных на базе ускорителей, в «on-line» и «off-line» режимах.
В докладе описана методика экспериментов, как при использовании урановой сборки
«Квинта», так и при облучении на прямом пучке ускорителей ОИЯИ, описана работа и полученные результаты на...
The new experimental setup for the high-precision mass measurement of the heavy and the superheavy nuclei is being built in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (Dubna). The crucial part of the setup for stopping and thermalization of the reaction products is the cryogenic gas stopping cell (CGSC). The CGSC consists of the stainless steel outer and inner chambers. The outer chamber is at...
The Spin Physics Detector is a collider experiment at NICA designed to study the spin structure of the proton and deuteron and other spin-related phenomena using polarized beams. One of the subsystems of the SPD is the Beam-Beam Counters (BBC). Two scintillator-based BBC detectors will be installed symmetrically upstream and downstream the interaction point and will serve as a tool for beam...
The BM@N is the first experiment at the NICA accelerator complex. It is focused to study baryonic matter at high density which provides the opportunity to investigate both the EOS, and to explore the degrees-of-freedom of this matter, including the search for new phases of high-density matter. For the purpose of charged particle identification in the BM@N, two time-of-flight systems TOF400 and...
Представлена экспериментальная установка для прецизионного измерения радиуса протона в упругом ep-рассеянии с регистрацией протона отдачи в активной водородной мишени в диапазоне по Q2 ~ 0.001–0.04 GeV2. Установка включает в себя активную водородную мишень - время-проекционную камеру (TPC – time projection chamber), разработанную для регистрации протонов отдачи, совмещенную в одном корпусе с...
High Granularity (time-of-flight) Neutron Detector (HGND) is the newest addition to the BM@N (Barionic Matter (at) Nuclotron) experiment, designed to identify neutrons and to measure their energies in heavy-ion collisions at ion beam energies up to 4AGeV. This work covers the mechanical design, developed to host ~2000 individual scintillatior cells with a size of 40x40x25 mm3, together with...
The ion source of the electron beam type (ESIS, which is the EBIS in certain condition of the reflex mode of operation) will be used at NICA acceleration complex. Thus the research of the EBIS theoretycal efficiency is important and relevant. The talk presents the results of analysis and numerical computer simulation of the efficiency of an ion trap for the production of highly charged ions...
Исследование различных механизмов распадов лёгких нестабильных ядер с испусканием протонов либо нейтронов представляет значительный интерес для современной ядерной физики, поскольку эти процессы пока мало изучены. Некоторые из них, такие как истинный четырёхпротонный распад, до сих пор не регистрировались в экспериментах.
Проект EXPERT (EXotic Particle Emission and Radioactivity by...