October 27, 2024 to November 1, 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

Development of a system of scintillation detectors for space radiation suppression in the experiment aims to study dd-fusion reactions with the low beam energy (PolFusion)

Oct 31, 2024, 3:35 PM
4-451 (MLIT)



Oral Experimental Nuclear Physics Experimental Nuclear Physics


Mr Anton Rozhdestvenskij (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI)


The work will be presented on the development of a system of scintillation detectors for space radiation suppression in the experiment aims to study dd-fusion reactions with the low beam energy (PolFusion). The PolFusion nuclear physics experiment carried out at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Gatchi-na), the purpose of which is to study the fusion reaction of 2H (d, p) 3H and 2H (d, n) 3He with polariza-tion of the initial particles at low energies in the range of 10-100 keV. This work includes the following stages: modeling of the central detector system of the PolFusion experiment and the scintillation detector system, development of the design of the scintillation detector system and the results of test measurements of cosmic radiation.

Primary author

Mr Anton Rozhdestvenskij (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI)


Mr Alexander Solovyev (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Alexander Vasilyev (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Kuzma Ivshin (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Leonid Kochenda (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Marat Vznuzdaev (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Peter Kravtsov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mrs Polina Kravchenko (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Vasiliy Fotyev (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Victor Trofimov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI) Mr Vladislav Larionov (NRC «Kurchatov Institute» - PNPI)

Presentation materials