Irina Ulanova
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)
The study of spontaneous fission processes in heavy and superheavy nuclei remains an important task in nuclear physics. A Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) is a reliable tool for such investigations, enabling the detection of fission fragment trajectories, fragment energy measurements, and mass distributions of fission fragments. As part of our project, a TPC-based detector is being developed for application at the focal plane of the GRAND separator (SHE Factory). The focus is on the chamber configuration, the use of 3He neutron counters, and evaluating the system’s efficiency. This presentation will cover the operational principles of TPCs and their potential applications for studying the spontaneous fission of short-lived superheavy nuclei.
Primary author
Irina Ulanova
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)
Alexander Solncev
(Dubna University)
Alexandr Svirikhin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Andrey Isaev
Evgeniy Sokol
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions)
Eyvaz Teymurov
Grzegorz Kamiński
(Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Igor Izosimov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Roman Mukhin
Sergei Dmitriev
Yury Popov