Interacting ultraviolet completions of four-dimensional gauge-Yukawa theories

31 Oct 2024, 12:45
134/5-* - Conference hall (MLIT)

134/5-* - Conference hall


Oral Theoretical Physics Theoretical Physics


Альфия Мухаева


We investigate a class of strictly four-dimensional, renormalisible gauge-Yukawa theories with all possible dimension 3 and 4 operators which exhibit Asymptotic Safety - their UV behaviour is controlled by an interacting, ultraviolet fixed point. The conformal window introduced by this fixed point is studied in a systematic expansion, provided by the Veneziano limit. Constraints from the strong coupling limit, fixed point mergers and vacuum instability are formulated. We will show that the conformal window lies within a perturbative regime.

Primary author

Альфия Мухаева

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
