Decay properties of heavy and super-heavy nuclei

Not scheduled
Oral Theoretical Physics


Ms Maria Markova (Moscow State University, Faculty of physics)


The present work is devoted to the description of quasi-neutron structure of odd isotones in chains with N=149, N=151, N=153. The minimization of potential surface with respect to collective parameters was carried out in order to define ground states and describe low lying quasi-neutron states in the frame of two center shell model. The blocking effect was taken into account as well, transition probabilities and corresponding lifetimes for low lying quasi-neutron states were estimated.

Primary author

Ms Maria Markova (Moscow State University, Faculty of physics)


Mr Nikolai Antonenko (JINR BLTP) Dr Tatiana Tretyakova (SINP MSU) Dr Timur Shneidman (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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