Dmitriy Kosov
Student Kosov D.M.
General Provisions
To date, it is impossible to accurately determine the boundaries of the universe, it is generally accepted that the universe is infinite, and I, of course, agree with this. Next comes the question, what is the universe? Without superfluous reviews, at once we will give definition, that the Universe is space - time. Space - time - a physical model that combines space and time into a single concept. Considering that space is supplemented by a time dimension, and since time is not linear, although it is unidirectional. In the concept of the universe, space and time are inseparable, since space is defined by a metric, and time determines the flow of processes. For convenience, the person uses a certain reporting system based on the cyclic processes associated with the earth to measure time.
But in addition to time, the connection with space has gravity. More precisely, the relationship between space - time and gravity is also inherent. Determine the relationship between space-time and gravity is not as easy as it may seem.
To date, there is no theory describing gravity at the quantum level, I will try to describe it in my theory.
There are 2 states of gravity. The first is a quasi-stable state, which is directly related to space-time, it can be said that it is the medium of propagation of gravitational interaction between bodies.
The second state is the gravity emitted by each body of the universe. Called the gravitational field. Under the body is meant even an elementary particle. This kind of gravity is not quasi-stable, and varies with the change in the gravitational energy of the body. A more detailed explanation is in theory.
Gravitational field
Every body has a gravitational field. A field that promotes gravitational interaction between bodies. Each body, having such a field, exchanges with other bodies both gravitational energy, and "information" about the change in the magnitude of the gravitational field. The magnitude (power) of the gravitational field depends on the gravitational energy of the body, which will be discussed in more detail later. Just referring to the gravitational energy, it is worth saying, the gravitational field of the body is a variable quantity, since the field depends on the gravitational energy.
Gravitational energy
Gravitational energy is the internal energy of a particle or a body. In this case, energy is perceived as the main characteristic of the gravitational field of a body or particle. Accordingly, starting from the concept of the gravitational field, this energy is present in all particles participating in the gravitational interaction. Energy is changed by transforming the particles that make up the body, in a more energetic (in general terms, heavier) particles. During synthesis, more energy-efficient elements (particles) are formed in comparison with the initial elements (particles). Accordingly, the energy of the particles in the body increases, so the gravitational field becomes more powerful.
Prospects for studying and developing
The main prospect in the study is the improvement of knowledge in fundamental physics, as well as the expansion of the concept of such a fundamental interaction. The connection of gravity with the quantum world, the explanation of many astrophysical processes. Perfection of technologies in the study of astronomy, astrophysics. Development of technologies aimed at the space industry.
Primary author
Dmitriy Kosov