Production of radionuclide 90Mo using thermochromatography

Not scheduled
Poster Applied Research


Mr Ilya Chuprakov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna);The Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty)


In recent years intensive research has been carried out to expand the database of the available (expedient) radionuclides for immune – PET scanning. Selection criteria are a high relative yield of positron emission, appropriate positron energy, suitable lifetime, suitable chemical properties, low toxicity and minimal radiation dose in body from accompanying nuclear γ – radiation decay. Currently 64Cu, 86Y, 76Br, 89Zr, 124I are the most widely used radionuclides in immune - PET diagnostics. Niobium-90 has potential to become one of them because of its favorable characteristics: lifetime of 14.6 hours, relative β+ yield of 53%, average β+ energy of 0.35 MeV, V valent bond to a ligand is sufficiently stable. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop methods for its production in no-carrier-added form. In this work we developed an alternative technique for 90Mo production by thermochromatography. 90Mo is used as a source (a parent radionuclide) for making a 90Mo-90Nb generator. 93Nb (p, 4n) 90Mo (β+ T1/2 = 5.7 h)→90Nb(T1/2 = 14.6 h).

Primary author

Mr Ilya Chuprakov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna);The Institute of Nuclear Physics (Almaty)

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