Deuteron beam polarization measurement at 270 MeV at Nuclotron internal targett.

Not scheduled
Oral High Energy Physics


Mr Yaroslav Skhomenko (JINR LHEP Dubna)


The current deuteron beam polarimetry at Nuclotron is provided by the Internal Target polarimeter based on the use of the asymmetry in dp- elastic scattering at large angles in the cms at 270 MeV. The upgraded deuteron beam polarimeter has been used to obtain the vector and tensor polarization during 2016/2017 runs for the DSS experimental program. The polarimeter has been used also for tuning of the polarized ion source parameters for 6 different spin modes. The data analysis has been performed using developed software based on C++ language and ROOT5 library.

Primary author

Mr Yaroslav Skhomenko (JINR LHEP Dubna)


Dr Pavel Kurilkin (JINR) Dr Vladimir LADYGIN (VBLHEP, JINR)

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