Quantum Gravitational Force and its Consequences

Not scheduled
Poster Theoretical Physics


Mr Purevkhuu Munkhbaatar (JINR, Dubna.)


We introduce a new quantum gravitational force $F_{PN}=\frac{G_N \hbar}{c}\frac{m}{r^3}$ by using the fundamental constants, like $\hbar$, $c$, $G_N$, where $G_N$, $\hbar$ and $c$ are the Newtonian, the Planck constants and velocity of light. It turns out that conditions of equalities of this force with the Newtonian, the strong interacting-Yukawa type forces give exact physical meaning of the Planck length and the Compton length of a wave. Moreover, equality conditions of this force with the Coulomb and the Dirac magnetic monopole's forces give rise to introduce the concept of the running coupling constant $\alpha(E)=\alpha \ln (1+\frac{E}{\mu})$ and to obtain mass formula $M_{mon}=M_{Pl}\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha}}$ for a magnetic monopole, where $\alpha=\frac{e^2}{\hbar c}$ is the fine structure constant. Physical meaning of the vacuum energy is also considered.

Primary authors

Mrs Munkhzaya Batgerel (Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Scinces.) Mr Namsrai Khavtgai (Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences) Mr Purevkhuu Munkhbaatar (JINR, Dubna.)

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