Grassmannians and form factors

Not scheduled
Oral Theoretical Physics


Mr Artem Bolshov (JINR)


Nowadays massless maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (N=4 SYM) is very intensively studied. During the past decade, a very significant and stunning progress has been achieved in computing of different quantities and general understanding of the S-matrix of this theory. Due to powerful computational methods, such as BCFW recursion, generalized unitarity, on-shell diagram formalism and many others, rather exotic geometric structures have been discovered to underlie the S-matrix: Grasmannian integral for tree-level amplitudes, Amplituhedron for loop amplitudes, etc. Moreover, it turned out that some of these results could successfully be derived within so-called Ambitwistor string theory. In my report, I would like to discuss how all these results can be generalized to form factors - objects, that are partially off-shell and hence a bit more complicated compared with scattering amplitudes. We will consider a very general method, which allows to derive results for form factors starting with those for the amplitudes and show how it works on some particular examples.

Primary author

Mr Artem Bolshov (JINR)

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