Meirzhan Kakenov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
This work is devoted to theoretical studies of the basics microscopic potential of the folding mod-el for elastic scattering of exotic nuclei on protons. The main purpose of this work is MPI-implementation of the calculation of microscopic optical nucleus-nuclear potential using the fold-ing model on the heterogeneous cluster HybriLIT of the Multifunctional Information Computing Complex (MICC) of the JINR Laboratory of Information Technologies. The differential cross of elastic scattering of exotic nuclei on protons is calculated. Agreement between the experimental data for elastic collisions of exotic nuclei with protons and the results of calculation different dis-tributions of the densities of the 6He and 8He nuclei using calculated the folding potential.
Primary author
Meirzhan Kakenov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
Elena Zemlyanaya
(leading researcher)