27–28 May 2024
Europe/Moscow timezone

Mathematical aspects of QUBO formulations for particle tracking algorithms

28 May 2024, 12:40
MLIT, 5-th Floor, Conference Hall

MLIT, 5-th Floor, Conference Hall


Martin Bures (JINR, LIT)


SPD (Spin Physics Detector) is a planned future experiment on
the NICA megascience project developed in Dubna. Based on modeling data
of the SPD experiment, this work is the first attempt to use the Hopfield
network approach to formulate a QUBO problem and use simulated annealing
to estimate the feasibility of the future use of quantum annealing to speed up present SPD particle tracking approaches. In this talk, we will stress several aspects of formulating particle tracking as QUBO, especially how to implement constraints.

Primary author

Martin Bures (JINR, LIT)


Prof. Gennady Ososkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Ivan Kadochnikov (JINR)

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